Monday, November 29, 2010

Let virtue garnish our thoughts

Virtue is all about safe-guarding your mind and heart from outside influences. As missionaries we have to be extra on-guard, don't we? I learned from studying virtue that the best way to combat him is to proactively fill our minds with the Word of God, through hymns and scripture. It also helps to think of the love I have for people here in Lancaster. When I picture their faces and all the things they need from me it snaps me back into focus. It seems that the Lord was helping me go back to the basics this week and just focus on the simple things.

Sounds like Thanksgiving was fabulous! Sister Snell and I had a sweet potato. mash and carrots with brown gravy. It was delicious :) we played the Thankful ABCs during the day between talking to people. I am working really hard talking to everyone come rain, shine or snow (it is snowing here now). The Lord is blessing us for our efforts. Sacrifice brings for the blessings of heaven...I know that.

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