So MUCH has happened in the last ten days. Start with transfers.
I am staying in Wigan and I am training again! Her name is Sister Jack. She is from Massachusetts (we both have Boston in our blood) and went to BYU for a degree in Math Education. Nanny probably knows her grandmother, Elaine Jack - the former General Relief Society President. Just one more to add to the list of companions who have changed my life : ) She really is wonderful and we already get along so well.
So, you know that there is a new programme for training new missionaries now? I am so excited about it! Especially because I have seen both sides. It's so inspired and thorough, I feel like after a year I am finally being trained! I've been batting around the idea of asking them if I can just start over my mission now since I feel I finally know how to be useful to the Lord - do you think they'd buy it? Well, in any case, we had a special meeting as trainers to learn the new programme. The Training for Trainers meeting was fantastic! We went to the Mission Home where Sister Preston made us a gorgeous meal. We went through the curriculum together with the Assistants. I especially loved how the whole meeting left me with a Spirit of love and excitement, not fear.
One of the changes is that we get an extra hour of companionship study, and it is fabulous! So useful. This morning was only the first time, but I am already feeling a distinct difference. This would have worked wonders for Sister Lovell and me! At the meeting, Elder Gallacher (one of the Assistants) compared training to a toothpaste tube: we should squeeze out everything we've got. Every time I use my toothpaste now I think of that. It was genius of him, really. I can't brush my teeth without thinking, "Am I squeezing everything out of this opportunity?" A great reminder.
Our dated investigators are all progressing so nicely! Brad has hit a bit of a roadblock with tithing; he accepts it, but he just doesn't accept that he can actually do it-- money is that tight. We have the feeling though, that as he continues to read the Book of Mormon and feel the Spirit, his faith will increase. He is very sharp and understands things so well, but having faith in them takes practice (John 7:17). Pray that he will take that step of faith.
Elizabeth is right on schedule and just so excited to make this covenant. The 2nd of September is her date. She rings us to set up appointments! I hardly know how to take it! The Relief Society sisters in the ward have really taken her in and I think she feels right at home.
There is one more now: Jacob who is twenty and comes from a very rough background. We taught him the Law of Chastity last week. The next day on the phone he told us that he had gone through all his movies and music and binned the inappropriate ones. Hurrah for Israel!
This is a wonderful area and we are being wonderfully blessed. Jacob is shooting for the 9th of September.
I am so committed to being 110% this transfer. Time stops for no Sister Missionary and I want to seize the transfer! We are on the verge of miracles. Thank you for your constant support. You are all very strong. I know the Lord is with you.
Remember Alma 26:12.