Zone conference was INCREDIBLE! My spirit was so invigorated. Sister Bullock made us cookies : ) They were heart-shaped which tied into her talk, which was about being Pure in Heart. President Bullock talked to us about the power of the priesthood and the reality of miracles. I know I have seen miracles in my life and it was good to be reminded of that. I decided to buy "miracle journal" where I will record the miracles I've had before now and start to record the ones I see on my mission. I think I need to show the Lord how much those miracles mean to me, and Lancaster is seeing lots of them!
Sister Anderson is teaching me so much! She is very patient with my shortcomings and takes every opportunity to remind me that we are supposed to be equally yoked. She trusts me enough to let me have a say and learn from my experiences teaching. I'm just grateful the Spirit is always there to make up the difference, because sometimes I think I make no sense at all to these Brits! She is also helping me understand the English culture better. I had a breakthrough this week when I realized that people really are happy at church, they just don't show it the way I do! Because the culture is reserved in general, even members don't wear their emotions on their sleeves, which, coming from the Mindy Davis home, you can imagine is something for me to get used to! I know that seems silly, but it makes such a difference to realize that. This gospel is about joy and knowing I'm bringing that joy to others (be it members, my companion, investigators or strangers) is the only thing that could keep me going! It has been frustrating feeling like I'm NOT bringing that joy to others, but I think I am. It's just not communicated the way I'm accustomed to.
We have two more investigators preparing to be baptized! They are both shooting for the 25th so it will be a combined baptism. I don't have time to go into detail, but their names are Andrew and Liam and they are both ace. Sister Anderson just keeps saying, "This doesn't happen in Lancaster, Sister. This does not happen!" We are so being blessed. I'm so aware that this is not me but the Lord. I still get the feeling that there are more out there, though. I am focusing my efforts on refining my skills to show the Lord that I want to be ready to teach them.
All of these things are miraculous, but in between amazing experiences, there is, of course, drudgery. I am still learning how to push through those hours with a perfect brightness of hope. It is hard. And I suppose it's good that it is hard. My faith IS growing because of my challenges. I want you to know that I get distinct promptings daily that my success in overcoming the obstacles is directly linked to the power of YOUR prayers, the prayers of the rest of the family, and the prayers of friends. The Lord doesn't spare an opportunity to let me know that I'm not alone (in my success or my challenges). This is a team effort!
oh molly it's so good to hear about your experiences! you're making me tear up right in the wilkinson center =) you are amazing and I love you!