The temperature has really dropped here in Lancaster and it feels a lot colder than it is because of the humidity! I've been layering three pairs of tights : S and it's supposed to get colder! Luckily we have really nice radiators in our flat that I can cuddle up to during meals. To answer your question, our flat is pretty nice. It's small and the carpet is really old and nasty but we have the nicest coach in the mission and a great kitchen : ) I feel blessed. I can take some photos and send them on to you next week.
My district is great. Remember that sweet Portugese sister we met on temple square whose brother had just been camping on his mission here? Haha well Elder Dantas is now my district leader! He is so full of faith and we think it's pretty fun that we have that crazy connection with his sister. I am in a district with the Elders serving in Preston (which includes the Zone Leaders), Blackpool and South Ribble. So, basically the most church history in England is in the boundaries of my district. Pretty cool. I am so grateful for the hard work the Elders in our district display. They really are a great example to me in word and deed, and to be honest, I don't feel like they are younger than me! I thought I was going to hate all the little Elders who would be so immature, but so far I've been very impressed. They are obedient, they work hard and they are very profession and kind to the Sisters. President Bullock lectures them frequently ... This is a great mission to be a sister ; )
Sister Anderson wrote this experience to her family and I copied it for you:
So the MTC missionaries come out and tract different areas in England as a way to have them introduced to missionary work (remember when I did it last September?), anyway, they came to our area and did some tracting. Well, they gave us like 35 referrals that we've been having to sift through, which has been a lot of fun. Mostly because a lot of people lie, and MTC missionaries believe everything that people tell them. So we've been able to have some really great awkward moments with people trying to pretend that it was their friend that the missionaries met and not them. haha. So, we stopped by this one house to see a university student named Joe that the elders had left a Book of Mormon with. His roommate Miles came to the door and said that Joe was out, so we left our card with him to contact us. As we were walking away, Sister Davis said, "how funny would it have been if the whole time we were there talking, Joe was hiding in the front room telling Miles to tell us that he was away?" then I responded with, "for all we know, Miles IS Joe."
It was classic! Sister Anderson and I had a hard week but we really laughed through it all. I love being a missionary and knowing that this work is the best thing I could ever be doing, even on weeks when people don't listen.
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